Saturday, July 04, 2009

200907 - Health Care Reform

I am still learning and thinking about Health Care reform and of course I have strong opinions. If you know me, you know I rarely have weak opinions. I thought I would share some ideas on the subject. If you too have strong opinions, feel free to share them via comments. All evidence to the contrary, I am able to change my opinions on occasion. And needless to say the opinions expressed here are my own.
Three of the most important items that must be addressed (in my opinion) are:
1) We must have some kind of universal medical coverage that is available to everyone at a reasonable price. I believe that all taxpayers (and their families) should be covered by this insurance. By taxpayer I do not mean you have to pay taxes - but you must submit a tax return to the IRS. Many people feel that medicare may be the start of this.
2) We must have additional health coverage available for those people who can afford it and want it and
3) We need to eliminate the too high administrative expenses of the health care providers created by dealing with many different insurers.
As you can no doubt see these three items are in direct conflict. What I suggest to resolve this is to establish a single payer system for the health care providers. That is, the health care provider bills only the universal medical coverage system and the patient. The patient with additional insurance will then work with their insurance carrier to get reimbursed for covered items. Among other benefits, this should encourage the insurance carriers to simplify their systems in order to keep clients.
I also find myself wondering “Should we take the profit out of insurance by requiring insurance companies to be Mutual?” Seems to me that in the beginning Insurance Co-Ops were formed by groups of people working for their mutual benefit. Maybe we should consider returning to the system where the benefits (read profits) of not misusing the system were shared by all of the insured. That thought also addresses another issue facing the health care system: the “why not, it does not cost me anything” thinking.
Another important item which must be addressed is our health records. I think it is crazy in the 21st century in the USA that all my doctors cannot see all my records. Yes, I am a complicated patient. And yes, I have a lot of doctors, but for them to depend on me for detail medical information is ridiculous. I hear that the VA has a good system. Since it is already in the public domain - lets share it. Every doctor in the USA should have access to view history and on-going treatment plans for their all patients.
Another sore point for me is prescription costs. First, I believe we should make it illegal for drug companies to market directly to consumers. The health care system pays twice for that service; once when the marketing costs are passed on the consumer and second when the advertisements artificially raises the demand for the drug. I would like to see all generic drugs covered under the public insurance plan. Somehow we need to create a powerful negotiator working for the general public to lower drug prices. I have to ask myself: How is it that some Chain stores (Walmart, Fred Meyer, etc) are able to charge less for certain prescriptions than the insurance co-pay for the same drug?
I know there is a lot more that needs to be done but these items seem doable to me and as such are a place to begin.
I would also encourage anyone interested in Health Care reform to view this video. Just "play chapters" at

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